board n. 1.板〔通常指宽4英寸半以上厚2英寸半以下者〕,木板;纸板。 2.(广告)牌;(棋)盘;〔口语〕配电盘(等)。 3.〔pl.〕 【戏剧】舞台。 4.餐桌;食物;伙食;〔有时指〕膳宿。 5.会议桌;会议;全体委员;委员会;部,厅,局,管理处。 6.船的甲板;舷,舷侧;船内;车内。 7.〔废语〕边;海岸。 cloth boards (书籍的)布面精装。 a remote control board 遥控盘,遥控台。 a board for checkers 棋盘。 a piece of board 一块板。 a groaning board 盛宴,丰盛的饭菜。 a bulletin board 布告牌。 board and lodging 膳宿。 board of directors 理事会,董事长。 above board 光明正大。 board and [by, on] board (船)并排。 Board of Education 〔英国〕教育部〔现改名 the Ministry of Education〕; board of education (一般的)教育委员会;〔美国〕(各州、县、市管理中小学的)教育管理委员会。 board of equalization 〔美国〕税率调查委员会。 Board of Trade 〔英国〕商业部; 〔b- of t-〕 〔美国〕商会;芝加哥市农产品交易所。 by the board 在舷外,越过舷边,(由船上)向海中。 come on board 回船。 fall on board = run on board. fall over board 从船上掉落水中。 free on board 【商业】船上交货,离岸价格(略作 FOB 或 f.o.b.)。 go by the board (桅杆)折断落于船外;破产;(努力等)落空;(计划)成泡影,失败。 go on the boards 当演员。 have [take] ... on board 载有,装有。 lay a ship on board 使船靠拢(他船)。 make short boards 【航海】常常逆风斜进。 on board 1. 在船上,在船[飞机]中 (on board the plane 在飞机上);〔美国〕在车上 (go [get]on board乘船,乘车)。 2. 【棒球】〔口语〕出垒。 on the boards 登台,做演员。 on even board with 与…齐舷并进;在和…同条件下。 run on board (of another ship) 1. 撞着(别船)。 2. 攻击。 sweep the board 赢得全部赌注,通吃;全胜。 tread the boards = walk the boards = go on the boards. vt. 1.用板铺〔盖、围、堵〕上。 2.为…提供膳食〔包饭〕;使寄膳;〔美国〕寄养(马)。 3.上(船),坐(船);〔美国〕搭(车);乘(飞机)。 4.攻入(敌船等);强行靠近(敌船等)。 board over a well 用木板做井栏。 They boarded him for $ 40 a week. 他们按每周收费40美元给他包伙。 The pirate ship boarded the clipper. 海盗船强行靠近快艇。 vi. 1.寄膳,搭伙,包饭。 2.【航海】逆风斜进。 board around 【美术】轮餐〔教员轮流在学生家吃饭〕。 board at (so much a week) (每周)给膳费(若干)。 board in 在寄宿处寄膳。 board out 在外面寄膳。 board over 用木板铺上(围住)。 board up 用板钉上〔围上〕 (board up the door 把门用板钉上)。
Resolutions in the meeting of the board of commissioners shall be adopted upon deliberation to reach a consensus 监事会议上做出的决议,应经过审议,达成共识。
(three fourth ) of the member of the board of commissioners and the resolution shall be adopted by more than (四分之三)出席的监事会议上得到解决,而该解决方案应得到出席会议的所有有效选票的至少
Resolutions of the board of commissioners so adopted shall have the same effect as resolutions adopted in the meeting of the board of commissioners 监事会根据上文做出的此类决议,应与监事会议上做出的决议具有同等效力。
Resolutions of the board of commissioners so adopted shall have the same effect as resolutions adopted in the meeting of the board of commissioners 监事会根据上文做出的此类决议,应与监事会议上做出的决议具有同等效力。
In the event of a dispute regarding any matters in the minutes of the meeting, the matter shall be decided at a meeting of the board of commissioners which is attended by more than 如果有关方面对监事会议记录上的任何内容存在任何分歧,则这一分歧应在监事会所有成员的至少
If all members of the board of commissioners are present or represented, such prior notice shall not be required and the meeting of the board of commissioners can be convened wheresoever and has the authority to adopt valid and binding resolu-tions 如果监事会全体成员都出席会议或委派代表出席会议,则不需要发出上述事先通知,且监事会议可以在任何地点召开,并有权做出有效力和约束力的决议。
If all members of the board of commissioners are present or represented, such prior notice shall not be required and the meeting of the board of commissioners can be convened wheresoever and has the authority to adopt valid and binding resolu-tions 如果监事会全体成员都出席会议或委派代表出席会议,则不需要发出上述事先通知,且监事会议可以在任何地点召开,并有权做出有效力和约束力的决议。
Such signature shall not be required if the minutes of meeting is drawn up by a notary, the minutes of meeting as mentioned above shall serve as valid evidence for all members of the board of commissioners as well as for third parties concerning all resolutions adopted at the meeting 如果会议记录是由一位公证人起草的,则不需要上述签字,而对监事会所有成员以及第三方而言,上述会议记录应作为会议上做出的所有决议的有效证据。
If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners 如果监事长按照请求对监事会议进行了通知,但仍未能按照上述请求的日期如期召开监事会议,则提议召开会议的一方可以直接向监事会成员发出通知,并召开监事会议。
If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners 如果监事长按照请求对监事会议进行了通知,但仍未能按照上述请求的日期如期召开监事会议,则提议召开会议的一方可以直接向监事会成员发出通知,并召开监事会议。