
board of commissioners中文是什么意思

  • [网络] 监事会;委员会;人组成的管理委员会



  • 例句与用法
  • Resolutions in the meeting of the board of commissioners shall be adopted upon deliberation to reach a consensus
  • (three fourth ) of the member of the board of commissioners and the resolution shall be adopted by more than
  • Resolutions of the board of commissioners so adopted shall have the same effect as resolutions adopted in the meeting of the board of commissioners
  • Resolutions of the board of commissioners so adopted shall have the same effect as resolutions adopted in the meeting of the board of commissioners
  • In the event of a dispute regarding any matters in the minutes of the meeting, the matter shall be decided at a meeting of the board of commissioners which is attended by more than
  • If all members of the board of commissioners are present or represented, such prior notice shall not be required and the meeting of the board of commissioners can be convened wheresoever and has the authority to adopt valid and binding resolu-tions
  • If all members of the board of commissioners are present or represented, such prior notice shall not be required and the meeting of the board of commissioners can be convened wheresoever and has the authority to adopt valid and binding resolu-tions
  • Such signature shall not be required if the minutes of meeting is drawn up by a notary, the minutes of meeting as mentioned above shall serve as valid evidence for all members of the board of commissioners as well as for third parties concerning all resolutions adopted at the meeting
  • If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners
  • If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
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